Time banking is a means of exchange where people swap time and resources instead of money.
47/49 believes in big ideas and time banking is a dynamic solution to many of the problems our society faces today. Time banking treats everyone’s time as equal, valuing contributions from marginalized groups in society. Time banking is a form of co-production, enabling the users of a service to play a part in the creation and delivery of that service. Time banking is a recession-proof form of exchange, tapping into abundant but neglected resources within our communities, enabling individuals and groups to meet their needs.
You can exchange your skills and time for using 47/49 Tanner Street for certain activities.
Time banking allows the people who support our work to use one of our spaces for an equivalent amount of time for agreed activities. You can exchange your time for using the space for activities such as:
- workshops
- rehearsals
- photography
- small meetings
- auditions
Time banking is not appropriate if you want to use the space for events, or if you cannot be flexible with the times or rooms that you can use in the building. If you’re not sure whether your activity is appropriate for time banking then give Rosie a call on 0203 701 1171.
So, for example… if Fred spends 5 hours designing 47/49 a flyer, then Fred can use The Factory floor to hold a drawing workshop for 5 hours.
Sign up to our time banking scheme here!
You will need to fill in the short registration form. Try to think of as many skills as possible and don’t undervalue your potential contribution! You never know when we might need an acupuncturist…
Find out about current time banking opportunities!
Click here if you’ve already signed up to the time bank and would like to find out about space availability and volunteering opportunities.
Please note: time banking is only suitable for non-profit, non-professional uses of the space for up to 5 people. 47/49 has a constantly changing schedule and we may need to reschedule time banking uses at short notice.