Bad Host presents Swines
16-19th October 2014
On your marks - get set - go! Climb that ladder, reach for the stars, follow your dreams! You can be anything you want to be. Let Bad Host Entertainment* make it easy for you.
Swines is a satirical performance inspired by Britain's game show/talent show culture and the current eco-political climate. In a future not so difficult to imagine competition is entertainment, experience is irrelevant and if you don’t fit in the box you don’t stand a chance.
A playfully absurd performance which asks how much control we really have over our futures?
*(The bastard child of a British game show and hardcore bingo tournaments, mixed with some cheap biscuits and glitter for good measure.)
Doors 6.30pm, Show starts 7pm.
Tickets £8 through TicketWeb
This production of Swines is part of a mini-season of theatre taking place at 47/49 Tanner Street with The Hotel and a preview of Daddies don't cry. Double-bill tickets are available at a reduced rate.
Forum Theatre
Sunday 19th October 1-3.30pm
Forum theatre is part of 'Theatre of the Oppressed', a practice which encourages people to recognise moments of oppression and find strategies for countering these oppressions. When we say oppression, we are including day-to-day oppressions such as family pressures, isolation, and stigma, as well as more global political oppressions.
The workshop will give participants a chance to talk with peers about issues and day-to-day oppressions that affect them and consider (and act out) ways in which they can tackle these oppressions. We are tailoring this workshop specifically to people who have experience of mental health issues. This workshop would be an introduction to forum theatre, and depending on the group we may develop a more long-term forum theatre project which would culminate in a performance. It is being offered free of charge and participants will also get a complimentary ticket to the performance of Swines by Bad Host Theatre later that day.
The workshop leaders have been trained by Adrian Jackson from Cardboard Citizens, who is regarded as the leading practitioner of Forum Theatre in the UK.
If you are interested in taking part in the workshop, and/or would like some more information about it, please contact Rosie or 0203 701 1171.
Jackinabox Productions presents The Hotel
14-19th October 2014
Have you ever wondered who’s been in this room before?
Critically acclaimed and award winning theatre company Jackinabox Productions (Romeo & Juliet, Berlin) presents a new immersive experience unlike any other.
Once the greatest place to rest your head, The Hotel now plays lonely host to echoes of its own past. But as it opens its doors to the curious, you are invited to take a glimpse at the secrets hidden behind the abandoned walls. Venture beyond the 'do not disturb sign' and immerse yourself in The Hotel’s people and their stories in the most private and intimate of settings.
Each room houses a different anonymous show. Guests will be checked into a first room on arrival, and will then have an opportunity to choose a second room, another show and another world of possibilities.
Note: this is not an overnight experience.
14th-19th October
8.30pm, 3pm matinee on 18th October
Tickets £12/10 early bird & concessions through TicketWeb, £14 on the day
"An unmissable gem of a production."
The New Current (Berlin)
"An unforgettable experience"
Views from the Gods (Romeo & Juliet)
“An immersive and sensory experience that will linger in your conscience like the heat from a glowing coal”
Three Weeks (99.9 Degrees)
This production of The Hotel is part of a mini-season of theatre taking place at 47/49 Tanner Street with Swines and a preview of Daddies don't cry. Double-bill tickets are available at a reduced rate.
Daddies Don't Cry
19th October 2014 5.30pm
Why do children need both parents after divorce? A true story that starts in every part of the world is unfolding in London. Daddies Don't Cry is a theatre project under development that brings forward the small/big crimes that happen inside broken families.
This is a preview performance which will take place in the Loft.There will be a chance to discuss the piece with the cast and company afterwards.
Show starts 5.30pm. Tickets are free but you must register through Eventbrite.