Conspire presents Flight
47/49 is seeking submissions for our next Conspire event on July 22nd
Humans can’t fly, can they?
There is a strong and persistent thread of popular culture which imagines that we can fly, from Icarus right through to Superman. And over the last century or so, we’ve found a multitude of ways to realise this ambition through science, engineering and arts.
The invention of aircraft was one of the crowning achievements of the 20th century; yet now environmentalists argue that air travel represents a huge threat to a sustainable future. Bumblebees mystified physicians for years by propelling their substantial weight from flower to flower. President Obama’s endorsement of drones in warfare has discredited his government in the eyes of his former supporters.
Arts collaborations
Would you be interested in using 47/49 Tanner Street?
47/49 supports a limited number of arts and community projects each year with reduced hire fees or as co productions. We work with projects that widen participation in the arts, challenge the status quo, or educate audiences about social, environmental and political issues.
If you would be interested in using the space please fill out this form in as much detail possible. We aim to review all applications within a month. Note: For all projects 47/49 must at a minimum cover the costs of electricity, heating and staffing; we rarely schedule arts events more than 3 months in advance because of the meanwhile nature of 47/49 Tanner Street; short-term projects of no more than a few days work best.
Rooftop Art Space
We are seeking sculptors to exhibit on our rooftop to an estimated 2 million people over a month
Our roof overlooks the Eastbound trainlines from London Bridge, and in 2014 we embarked upon a mission to showcase ambitious and polemical public sculptures from this spot. In May we hosted a pilot project, which aimed to draw attention to the vast quantities of plastic pollution in our oceans and food chains. Through social media networks we reached 379,250 people with our hashtag #PlasticLunch and alongside this worked with 160 children from local schools and pupil referral units in a series of art workshops. We want to deliver another rooftop project in Autumn 2014.
Time banking is a means of exchange where people swap time and resources instead of money.
Our time banking scheme allows the people who support our work to use one of our spaces for an equivalent amount of time for agreed activities. Read our Time Banking page for more information. We swap time in the space for different activities, depending on what projects we have on and your skills and interests. We almost always need:
- Promotion marketing for our events and activities
- Market research and administration
- Bar work and ushering at events
Cityscapes Festival
Collaborators sought for event in 2015 with Ensemble Perpetuo
Ensemble Perpetuo are are joining forces with 47/49 Tanner Street for an immersive event being planned for 2015. This progressive chamber music collective are inviting theatre companies, poets, artists, photographers, writers, sculptors or digital artists to collaborate for a special event to take place across all three floors of 47/49 Tanner Street.
This theme of the event is Cityscapes. Ensemble Perpetuo will be performing both contemporary and more traditional classical music that has been inspired by various cities across the world. They are most interested in finding individuals and collectives who think they would like to contribute either performances that will be interweaved with music, or exhibitions that can be displayed across the entire building as part of this festival.